Emissions Best of 2022: PART 3 - Colohan's Picks
It seems that Chris can't count and mostly likes older stuff, but he's got a way with words. Check it out, Dave.
CC’s Top 10
*(With a few 2021 holdovers. Gimme a break, I’m still not over Bedtime For Democracy, let alone Cellar Dweller)
Long Knife - Curb Stomp Earth (Black Water / Beach Impediment)
Face it. Whether it’s crust, mosh, thrash or later instead of earlier Blitz worship, it’s ALL some flavour of throwback at this point. So, Feel The Darkness worship this well done? Yeah I’m in.
Integrity - Those Who Fear Tomorrow (Relapse, Version w/Iggor Cavalera drums)
In the hilarious and long running Fuck You war with edgelord TWFT drummer Charles B Fresh, the court awards match and point to one Dwid Hellion. Either way, if you think of what passed for Dark & Heavy in 1990, this and Ringworm’s The Promise seriously changed the game. Mwah. Chef kiss.
Golpe - La Colpa È Solo Tua (Sorry State Records)
Great, now I want a cheeseburger.Ottawa - 12” Split Reissue. To this day the best heckle in 90s hardcore was the guitarist from Charles Bronson yelling “I just liked the Ottawa side” at Jihad at the Fireside. Jihad was actually killer (and like ISIS, a few years ahead of the curve with that name), but the Ottawa side of this split was next level lo-fi chaotic greatness. Probably didn’t need a remaster but it’s great that this classic got a reissue - Hobbits, black masses and all.
Rudimentary Peni - Death Church (Sealed, Reissue)
You get it.
Chubby & The Gang - The Mutt’s Nuts (Partisan)
Every time I like a new hardcore record that sounds Spanish or is from the UK now, I automatically write Jonah to tell him he did a good job. You did it again, you son of a bitch.
Triangle of Sadness
Atlanta Season 4
Baxter Dury - Chaise Longue